Pre gotovo 120 godina, časopis Scientific American objavio je članak o odnosu muzike i ćelavosti, odnosno koji muzički instrumenti pomažu rast kose, a koji rade suprotno. Kako su tada tvrdili, žičani instrumenti su dobri za ljudske vlasi, ali ne i duvački, koji deluju na opadanje kose. Evo i kompletnog članka:
''An English statistician has recently been engaged in an original task, that of studying the influence of music on the hair. … While stringed instruments prevent and check the falling out of the hair, brass instruments have the most injurious effects upon it. The piano and the violin, especially the piano, have an undoubted preserving influence. The violoncello, the harp, and the double bass participate in the hair-preserving qualities of the piano. But the hautboy, the clarinet, and the Mute have only a very feeble effect. Their action is not more than a fiftieth part as strong. On the contrary, the brass instruments have results that are deplorable.''
– Scientific American, Aug. 29, 1896

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